Saturday, 12 December 2009

Review of Lee McIntyre's Point And Click Coaching

For this review of Lee McIntyre's Point And Click Coaching membership site I'd like to give a brief overview of what I have found in the site so far after almost two weeks as a member.

Lee McIntyre's Point And Click Coaching
You see, you get to test the point and click coaching site for two weeks to give you time to make up your mind whether you think it's worth continuing with the step by step internet marketing training Lee provides, together with tools to do the job and even some resell rights products of his own to work with when you get to that stage.

First of all, when you go to this page you will see a video that invites you to get the DVD of a two day workshop former teacher Lee McIntyre held in the UK in the summer of 2009, which he says he had originally intended to sell for $1997.

Now while I didn't attend the workshop, I did recognise several of the people providing testimonials, having either met them at other internet marketing events in the UK, seen them recommended by other marketers or even bought products from them.

So that gave me some indication of the calibre of the training.

I must admit that, while I have been on Lee's list a while, and have even downloaded some of the free training he has given away in the past - I had never ever looked at it or listened to it....


Anyhow, I watched an excerpt from the 2009 "Upside Down/Inside Out" event, which I believe was held in Manchester, England, in August of 2009, and I was enthralled with the crystal clear clarity (how's that for a tautology) of what he was saying and the way he was teaching it.

I bookmarked his blog, intending to look at more of the videos, but at this stage I wasn't really considering "splashing out" the few dollars for shipping to get the free DVD.

Anyway, a day or two later, the browser on the page for the DVD was still open, but I thought the offer might be finished by now, so I refreshed it to actually watch the video on the page.

The "system" thought I was leaving the page and up popped an offer, instead of getting the physical DVD, to get the 8 videos in purely digital form online, for $1.

Well, on the one hand I was thinking it might be preferable to get them on DVD, but on the other hand, it was easier just to keep going (talk about lazy!), so I did.

Of course, I was expecting a few upsells and downsells, and I wasn't disappointed, and if I'd had a bit more to spare right now I would have taken one or the other of them, and I suggest that you do, if you happen to follow my advice and check this out.

[Full disclosure for our American friends: as you've probably long since realised, if you do, I stand to make some commission on this, with which I may even go back and get one of them if they're still available, but so far I haven't seen them offered inside the site, even at a higher price, so if you want them, it looks like you might have to buy the upsells when they are offered.]

Anyway, I digress.

Once inside the site, where incidentally every page seems to greet you with a video from Lee McIntyre, you get access to all the videos that are on the DVD of the two day "Upside Down/Inside Out" workshop (I gather you get this too if you have ordered the DVD), and below them you can see the first week's point and click coaching module.

Lee McIntyre's Point And Click Coaching Quick Start Video

The module has buttons to click on for Video, Assignment, Tools or Resources, and Discussion, and you can see but not yet click on Module 2.

I was actually busy, so though I made a start on watching the first module, even though Lee says to watch all the workshop videos first, I only watched the first part of it. Especially as it didn't really get into the meat of it yet, but basically just confirmed your decision to test it and told you what you were going to get.

But this week, a few days before the two week trial ends (isn't that always the way...), I watched the assignment video and the actual training video for Week 1, then looked at Module 2, which had meanwhile appeared.

To save time, I checked out the assignment and resources sections first, then watched the main video.

At first I found it a bit boring, as it seemed a continuation of the overview of the first video, with Lee repeatedly establishing his credentials and the value you are receiving (he puts a value of $5,000 on the course, which is probably right - if you do something with it).

And I must admit I did find the enthusiastic young teacher tone and the occasional snapping of fingers a bit annoying to start with.

But I must say that, once he did get down to the nitty gritty, it did become very step by step from the basics and yes, point and click coaching, beginning with very simply getting you going doing some affiliate marketing with a view to later progressing to resell rights (for which he will provide products) and the end goal of creating (or having created) and marketing your own products.

And it is possible to immediately replicate what he shows, which is in effect what I am doing right now, although I'm actually doing a bit more to give you more of an insight into the whole thing.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, the "Tools" section of the first module contains a number of bonus interviews where various well known marketers interview Lee about his "upside down/inside out" approach of doing "the opposite of what the gurus tell you" (haven't listened to any of them yet, thought I'd check out the meat of the site first).

Now in a moment I am going to continue with the training in the Module 2 video, though Lee has cunningly saved a juicy bit of it for "Part 2", which coincidentally will be available AFTER the trial has run out and I will need to pay a month's membership (though at the charter member rate, not the full price of about twice as much which will eventually kick in at some stage) if I want to see it. There is also some more bonus material available "next week", to add additional encouragement to stay the course.

This, incidentally, is also learning by just observing what he does, except in my case I'm not learning it for the first time, but seeing what I have learned elsewhere confirmed and put into practice, i.e. getting your new members to "stick".

Anyway... (to quote a ginger-haired bus driver named Blue in the tiny township of Cooktown I once came across in Australia's Far North Queensland!).

As I was saying, anyway...

That's about all I do have to say at the moment, as I now need to get back to the video to see what comes next.

And I'm thinking I just might stay in, at least for the first month, after the trial runs out in a few days time and I'm asked to "commit".

I suggest you do too if you're serious about getting going in internet marketing but find yourself not actually getting anywhere because you need a bit of a helping hand, which is what you'll find Lee McIntyre's Point And Click Coaching is.

But I'd definitely recommend shelling out the few bucks for the "Upside Down/Inside Out" workshop DVD, or, at the very least, do what I did and pay the $1 (it was £0.62 after Paypal converted it to sterling) and get the digital access only.

To have that offered to you, you just need to refresh the page, but if you'd prefer to have the 8 videos of the two day Manchester workshop on DVD, just stay on the page without clicking away or refreshing.

Either way you'll get the digital access, and a full two weeks of the coaching programme, just make sure, unlike me, that you look at the videos well before the two weeks are up!

I hope you have found this to be a useful review of Lee McIntyre's Point And Click Coaching!

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